Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.)
Come and learn the most proven parenting method in the world created by award-winning psychologist and 3-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Dr. Thomas Gordon. Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) is a parenting program for parents of children all ages...
This is not your average parenting class! P.E.T. is unique because it is a skills training. We don't just discuss or teach what effective parenting looks like, but we do lots of practice and lots of coaching so you implement effective parenting skills in your family. At the end of the course you walk away with a different approach to parenting as well as highly practical communication and conflict resolution skills for you to be much more assertive without being aggressive and more compassionate without being permissive. read more about our philosophy
This is not your average parenting class! P.E.T. is unique because it is a skills training. We don't just discuss or teach what effective parenting looks like, but we do lots of practice and lots of coaching so you implement effective parenting skills in your family. At the end of the course you walk away with a different approach to parenting as well as highly practical communication and conflict resolution skills for you to be much more assertive without being aggressive and more compassionate without being permissive. read more about our philosophy
P.E.T. SPRING 2025 Schedule is Live!
How it works....
The P.E.T. skills are taught and practiced in small groups of parents on Zoom by certified master trainer Meike Lemmens with 15 years of experience. Weekly session are 3-hours long, for 8 consecutive weeks. Each session include lots and lots of practice and coaching, demonstrations, workbook exercises, group discussions and brief presentations so you won't fall asleep listening to an instructor lecturing for 3-hours! The cost of the P.E.T. course is $250 for individuals PLUS a $45 materials fee per person. |
The first session is free....
You don't pay the tuition until after the first session, so if you are on the fence about P.E.T. you can get a feel for the program and parents in the class during session one before you commit to the whole 8-week program. We do ask that you pay the $45 materials fee up front so we can mail you the class materials beforehand. However, we will refund these materials if you return them to us in good order.
Choose which day and time work best for you. Find our current PET class schedule on our website here: SPRING 2025
You don't pay the tuition until after the first session, so if you are on the fence about P.E.T. you can get a feel for the program and parents in the class during session one before you commit to the whole 8-week program. We do ask that you pay the $45 materials fee up front so we can mail you the class materials beforehand. However, we will refund these materials if you return them to us in good order.
Choose which day and time work best for you. Find our current PET class schedule on our website here: SPRING 2025
What You will learn....
P.E.T. SPRING 2025 Schedule is Live!
Individual options....
If the Zoom Class schedule doesn't work for you book a Individual Zoom appointment with our parenting coach Meike Lemmens who will work with you at your own speed to address specific issues in your family. You can schedule a time and date that fit your schedule. The cost for Individual Parent Coaching on Zoom is $90 per hour. If you want to ask a friend and book the appointment together and share the cost, that also works. After the first initial Zoom session we can decide together about subsequent additional appointments.
Contact Us about Zoom Individual Parent Coaching
We Don't Blame, We Train....
Parent Effectiveness Training is judgment free. We don't blame, we don't shame, and we don't mess with your values. We are simply here to help you become more effective in communicating and resolving conflict with your child so you can feel more confident and satisfied as a parent. Some have said P.E.T. is life-changing, but there is no magic to it. It's like learning to drive a car, it takes time and practice. We work with any skill level, with parents of children all ages. We encourage you to make mistakes and have fun while you learn!
P.E.T. Fall Schedule is Live!
What Parents Say....
"What a blessing that I found this course! I wish that every parent in the whole world would take it - I'm sure it would help humanity a whole bunch. So grateful. I'm happier already, and my 5 year old says I'm doing better as a mom :-) and that my husband isn't as grumpy with her at bedtime. Success!!" Ayn, Irvine CA
"Amazing experience, I feel so grateful for the effective tools I have learned and the closer bond I have with my girls. I feel peace of mind knowing we will be able to weather the teenage storms one day. My daughter is much more verbal sharing her inner thoughts, fears and feelings and we are bonded closer. They also clean up more :-)" - Tali B. Laguna Beach CA
"This course has been lifechanging. I feel so much more confident parenting with these tools. I have seen real improvements in my kids behavior. When my child feels understood it immediately brings down the emotional temperature. I am more calm when confronting. More motivated on improving." - Genevieve B. Pasadena, CA
"I was apprehensive at first but changed the week I learned my needs are important. I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of this way of parenting. It shows that its about the parent's need as well as child to be effective. The instructor is very experienced & showed best practices in role plays." - Shin K. Newport Beach CS
"So helpful. I have taken classes that are more philosophical but don't offer the actual skills - that piece makes such a difference with my kids" - Angela E. Pasadena CA
"I love this system and wish everyone took it throughout life as needed. I wish I could have learned this from my parents as a kid - it would have made my whole life better in all my relationships. starting my kids out with it is the next best thing" - J.M. Pasadena CA
"What a blessing that I found this course! I wish that every parent in the whole world would take it - I'm sure it would help humanity a whole bunch. So grateful. I'm happier already, and my 5 year old says I'm doing better as a mom :-) and that my husband isn't as grumpy with her at bedtime. Success!!" Ayn, Irvine CA
"Amazing experience, I feel so grateful for the effective tools I have learned and the closer bond I have with my girls. I feel peace of mind knowing we will be able to weather the teenage storms one day. My daughter is much more verbal sharing her inner thoughts, fears and feelings and we are bonded closer. They also clean up more :-)" - Tali B. Laguna Beach CA
"This course has been lifechanging. I feel so much more confident parenting with these tools. I have seen real improvements in my kids behavior. When my child feels understood it immediately brings down the emotional temperature. I am more calm when confronting. More motivated on improving." - Genevieve B. Pasadena, CA
"I was apprehensive at first but changed the week I learned my needs are important. I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of this way of parenting. It shows that its about the parent's need as well as child to be effective. The instructor is very experienced & showed best practices in role plays." - Shin K. Newport Beach CS
"So helpful. I have taken classes that are more philosophical but don't offer the actual skills - that piece makes such a difference with my kids" - Angela E. Pasadena CA
"I love this system and wish everyone took it throughout life as needed. I wish I could have learned this from my parents as a kid - it would have made my whole life better in all my relationships. starting my kids out with it is the next best thing" - J.M. Pasadena CA